… and Other Rabbit Holes
The master in the art of living makes little distinction between work and play, labor and leisure, mind and body, education and recreation. They hardly know which is which. They simply pursue a vision of excellence in whatever they do, leaving others to decide whether they are working or playing. They are always doing both.
··· Zen Buddhist Text ···
Well Hung | glass glitter crane in hand-knitted steel gourd
Calmari | superimposed with weighted Voronoi stippling
Lettering, house-blended inks
A Trinity of Two | AI lens
Chrysallis | Digistration™
Goldfish Kaleidoscope
Lamellae | circle-packing exploration
Flight 990 | Digistration™
Reaction-Diffusion Shell | Generative
Pollen | CMYK halftone · Digistration™
Nested Beads | hand-colored nylon mesh
Nest | formed paper, twig, lichen
Procedural Doodle
Buddy | Digistration™
Fungal Folds | iPhone macro
Tiniest Crane
Algorithmic Image Evolution
Turing Patterns | superimposed CMYK layers
What is Mother? | wordcloud, house-blended inks
Polymer + Mica Exploration
Voronoi-Based Lettering
Brooch | quilled paper
Procedural Brush Lettering
Custom Puzzle | Reaction Diffusion-1
Weighted Circle-packing
Sketchbook | jellies
Puffer | Digistration™
Felted live oak acorns
Voronoi crane
Polymer + Mica | Voronoi formation from radial outgrowth
Lake Pocotopaug · Connecticut | AI lens
Sketchbook | growth & form word cloud
Sketchbook | Cuba for Ariane
Photo | laundry
Origami | generations
Laser-cut mesh and succulents
Flame-worked glass
Spore Print
Fungi | crochet, beaded
Custom Quoridor game | laser cut MDF
Laser-cut letters
Spore Print | pores
Spore Print | gills
Spore Print | gIlls
This Morning | October, Pacific Grove
Girih Puzzle | Laser engraved and cut