Intelligent creativity inspired by nature’s solutions and
informed by neuro-behavior
“Good designers must always be avant-gardists, always one step ahead of the times. They should—and must—question everything generally thought to be obvious. They must have an intuition for people’s changing attitudes. For the reality in which they live, for their dreams, their desires, their worries, their needs, their living habits. They must also be able to assess realistically the opportunities and bounds of technology.”
··· Dieter Rams ···
“The goal of a designer is to listen, observe, understand, sympathize, empathize, synthesize, and glean insights that enable them to make the invisible visible.”
··· Hillman Curtis···
Branding design + visual identity
Logos, wordmarks, symbols
Dynamic / flexible design systems
Food and beverage branding
Brand auditing + rejuvenating
Existing identity consolidation
branding + collateral + signage + swag
Conference (traditional and virtual)
Trade show
Sales kick-off
Incentive travel
Fund raising
Words, Naming, Editing
“Take things away until you cry.”
··· Frank Chimero ···
Naming exercises
> events
> brands
> services
> products
Proofing + copy editing
Vision + messaging statements
Tagline development
Small-format copy writing
Mind map development and consultation
“Seeing is believing, but feeling is the truth.”
··· Thomas Fuller, Gnomologia, 1732 ···
Offset and fine printing expertise
Engraving, letterpress,
and specialty printing prowess
Digital printing + thermoplastic inks
Full-spectrum collateral development
> Brochures
> Annual reports
> Magazines
> News letters
> Wayfinding
“You never know who’s swimming naked until the tide goes out.”
···Warren Buffett···
Wine labeling and silkscreen
Food + beverage
Cosmetics + cosmeceuticals
Photorealistic 3D packaging comps and renders
Laser cutting (on-site)
Pet products
+ Screens
+ UX
“Design isn’t crafting a beautiful textured button with breathtaking animation. It’s figuring out if there’s a way to get rid of the button altogether.”
···Edward Tufte···
Digital documents
Logo animation
Web design and development
Squarespace platform
Web / app interactive prototyping
Video bumpers
Lower thirds
Interactive brochures
Interactive forms
Survey / poll design
Adobe Spark [now Express] scrolling pages
Canva Presentations and web pages
Presentation graphics
Animated slide decks
HTML email signatures
MailChimp e-blasts
Social Media tactics + graphics design
Creative QR codes
“Great design is a multi-layered relationship between human life and its environment.”
···Naoto Fukasawa ···
Signage and wayfinding
Building signage (interior + exterior)
Outdoor board campaigns
Transportation graphics
Surface Design
“The details are not the details.
They make the design.”
··· Charles Eames ···
Pattern making (traditional + generative)
Fleet graphics and vehicle wraps
Bicycle graphics
titanium, carbon fiber, aluminum, rubber
Fabric / textile design
+ Lettering
“I hate crap; I like craftsmanship.”
··· Isabella Blow ···
Generative / procedural artwork
Photo-illustration and compositing
Photo editing / optimization / retouching
Biomorphic simulations
Data visualization
Pattern development
High-quality artwork vectorization
for CNC or laser cutting
Hand lettering
Fine typography
Typeface design
Custom maps
“I am still learning.”
· · · Michael Angelo, age 87 · · ·
> Coding | Processing Language
> Computational Design
> AI-Assisted Imaging
> Fundamentals of UI Design Interactions & Animation
> Advanced Keynote Animation
> Application | NodeBox
> Application | Affinity Design