Sweet Words
“Our experience in working with Shelby Designs from the first contact to final invoice was carefully and professionally managed with steps proceeding logically from initial concepts to intermediate and final designs and proofs. During each step your team struck the right note for listening to our needs and providing helpful suggestions based on your experience.”
— Afghanistan Technical Vocation Institute —
“You make me aim higher and I am so ever grateful for what you have done here.”
— Fulcrum Wellness —
“I will read whatever you ever write. Poetic, heartfelt, creative, lovely.”
— Opening Eyes, LLC —
“I send our deep thanks to you, Shelby. Your design and attentive, prompt work was immensely helpful to us and our budding business. The reception to our collateral was very positive! We enjoyed an immediate boost in our marketing ability. We know these materials will generate earnings, and we owe that to you!”
— L.T., development professional —
“I will forever be grateful for all that I’ve learned from you during my stay at Shelby Designs. You’ve truly made an impact on me as a designer and just all around human being, for the better.”
— W.Y., former senior designer/art director, eight years —
“I truly appreciate all of the work that you did to support this presentation and for taking the time to be there in person. I can’t tell you how much I value you and our partnership and look forward to a successful future together.”
— Evolutionary Events LLC —
“Thank you again for your help over the years. You have helped create a firm image and logo that we all value.”
— Wiley Price & Radulovich LLP —